Crossover offers a wide range of Design Services to our Reseller Partners & Service Provider Customers, including:
Crossover has certified Engineers and Technicians on staff who use a number of sophisticated industry standard design and survey tools such as iBwave, Pathloss, Enhancell Echo and Visio etc.
We have Licensed Professional Engineers on staff who can assist our VAR Partners and Service Provider customers with their ISED and FCC Submissions for Licensed Point-to-Point Wireless, Point-to-Multipoint Wireless and BDAs for DAS projects.
We have a state-of-the-art Innovation Centre and a Staging Lab where we assemble, configure and test Point-to-Point Wireless, Point-to-Multipoint Wireless, In-Building Active DAS, Wi-Fi and GPON solutions for our VAR Partners and Service Provider customers.
We have a team of experienced Engineers and Technicians who are trained for a number of Field services that our VAR Partners and Service Provider customers can leverage, including:
Crossover offers Managed Services to our VAR and Service Provider customers including Remote Monitoring and Service Level Agreements (SLA’s). Our SLA offerings included 8x5 Monday to Friday and 24x7 packages that include remote triage and on-site repair as well as annual preventative maintenance audits. All Crossover SLA programs can be tailored to meet your specific requirements.
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